Monday, July 11, 2011

Eat, Sleep,CARS...Repeat

This probably does not come as a shock to anyone that has been around Noah lately, but he has a little obsession/fascination with the Disney Movie CARS. At Noah's age we typically go through a phase of intensly liking  one thing , but then we soon move on to something else. For example, Toy story and Buzz Lightyear  was all the rage for a short time. CARS is a different story, I have never seen anything capture his fascination and interest thus far the way CARS has. Noah sleeps in a Lightning McQueen race car bed while clutching a tiny McQueen in his hand.
Noah the CARS Fanatic

Disney has definitely made a ton of money off of the millions of merchandise items available. From Kroger to Target to All-State Commercials CARS is everywhere. Aaron and I can't seem to escape it. Noah has even got up in the morning with the first question out of his mouth is"Where is McQueen?" We have at least 6 Lightning McQueen toy cars. McQueen is by far Noah's favorite-no question about it.
Lightning McQueen Overload
A Corner of Noah's room

Noah's room is all CARS. His bed, his toy bin, his curtains, his wall decals. You name it-if it is CARS, it can be found in our home. We even "rock out' to a CARS CD in the car.
The other day there was a tow truck in front of me in traffic, Noah swore it was Mater based solely on the fact that it was a tow truck.
Naturally, we took Noah to see CARS 2. He was all smiles as we walked in to the theater. He sat through the entire movie, only taking one bathroom break. He was disappointed when the  movie concluded and wanted to see it again. At least when CARS 2 is out on video, I will have a new movie to watch over and over again and new lines to memorize. Noah can recite the entire CARS movie.
CARS Hygiene 

Just some of the things in our Pantry
A Present from Aunt Jennifer during Noah's Hospital stay

Noah @ CARS 2

Noah had a CARS themed Birthday Party last year for his Second Birthday. This year he has requested another CARS themed party. We can't disappoint him, so CARS party it is! My Sanity is further diminished by hours of researching CARS party supplies and CARS themed parties. Now I know how my mom felt when I had a N.K.O.T.B  (New Kids On The Block for those not down with the lingo) obsession, and had to everything New Kids.
I suppose I should enjoy my little boy while he is just that-little. When he is in to girls, I will wish he was in to CARS...
Last Years Birthday Cake
CARS Birthday Boy(with Gracie)

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